Achieving a top position in search results on major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo requires ongoing effort and expertise. Search engines are getting smarter and updating algorithms daily, so it requires more than high quality content to influence the performance of your website. Since the last Google Penguin update, On-Page SEO has become the most effective SEO strategy that will influence business search rankings.
Our expert team stays on top of recent updates and information and has successfully ranked many web pages. With broad knowledge and technical skills, we can serve you with a complete On-Page SEO service, including essential SEO elements, such as keyword optimization, Metadata, HTML coded headings and source code.
On-Page Optimization makes the website search engine friendly. It also makes it user-friendly which further helps in achieving a good ranking in the search engine results:
We make sure that:
On-Page SEO involves many techniques to optimize the pages of your website.
Keywords Optimization
Includes analyzing keyword rankings and competitors keywords to identify opportunity keywords and use them to enhance traffic to support the growth of business in a niche.
HTML Coded Headings
We use relevant HTML codes to make headings and other important text easy for search engines to find and understand.
Source Code
Our carefully crafted computer code makes your website easy to find by the search engines. Our source code inspection for SEO asks the questions:
Is the site text or images based? A site that contains images with proper alt tags is much more dynamic than a text based site with little visual appeal. It is more attractive and engaging to users, reducing the likelihood of a high bounce rate, and it is more attractive to search engines.
Is it flashy? Again, more appealing and engaging sites perform better in terms of user satisfaction and search engine appeal.
Are the Meta descriptions descriptive? If you want searchers to click through to your site, what they see in the search results must be descriptive, interesting and clear. Meta descriptions are what the search engine pulls out and show to searchers.
Are H1 tags used to define important headings? H1 tags tell the search engines which headings contain the keywords that are most relevant to your business and which ones to rank for.
Careful analysis of your website and diligent application of these important On-Page SEO techniques will optimize your website and earn it the high search ranking you need.
Contact Us today.