A successful strategy is all about applying effective web practices on an ongoing basis, monitoring the results and making adjustments to improve even further.
Our commitment is simple – use proven search engine optimization techniques and methods to improve your online presence and drive your business to the next level, then push for even more success.
Approximately 75% of users do not look past the first page of search engine results.To receive meaningful traffic rates from major search engines, you want to be on page one, in the top 10. Properly applying the big three of search engine optimization strategies-which include great content, perfect coding and functional web design – combined with social media marketing, offers big-picture search engine optimization.
Great content is what your audience and major search engines look for. This is real information, not text for filler, and it should change regularly to keep the content current, topical and new.
Solid coding includes image-based and flash-based navigation tools and h3 linking in order to make the site functional, well-structured and easy for visitors to navigate.