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5 Very Good Reasons Why Customer Reviews

5 Very Good Reasons Why Customer Reviews are Important to Your Online Business

Traditionally, consumers would voice their opinions regarding a business’ products or services in person at a brick and mortar establishment, or through a feedback form on location. Nowadays, many of today’s purchases are completed online and customers use the tools of technology to provide reviews on the service and items they’ve purchased from companies. Here … Continue reading "5 Very Good Reasons Why Customer Reviews are Important to Your Online Business"

Digital Marketing Vancouver

5 Need to Know Marketing Automation Stats

A well formulated marketing strategy is not a single variable function, but rather a combination of multiple elements all working together toward a common goal – increased sales. By outsourcing some of the more time-consuming tasks to automation, your marketing team is freed up to use their time in the most efficient way possible. And … Continue reading "5 Need to Know Marketing Automation Stats"

3 Tips for Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy

3 Tips for Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Small Business

There can be a common misconception among small business owners who believe that, because they are a small business, they won’t be able to effectively compete against well-established, larger companies. The truth is, your small business can be just as effective in obtaining customers and profit as large businesses, if you develop a strong digital … Continue reading "3 Tips for Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Small Business"


How To Scale Your Agency

Scaling your agency can be a scary thing. Most agencies want to grow, but the steps it takes to achieve that growth can be daunting. For any business or agency, its most important resource is time. To add more of this resource, you need more people. A bigger team of creatives, account strategists, and project … Continue reading "How To Scale Your Agency"

7 Helpful Marketing Podcasts to Improve Your Business

7 Helpful Marketing Podcasts to Improve Your Business

Running a business takes constant effort and in order to keep up with today’s competition, you need to constantly look at ways to improve your business along the way. There are many resources for business owners to rely on to obtain helpful tips and strategies for how to improve a business, ranging from books, website … Continue reading "7 Helpful Marketing Podcasts to Improve Your Business"

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